Saturday, February 16, 2013

Line Compositions

While walking outside, these are the lines that I noticed. All over campus there are so many different lines that I didn't take notice to until I was given this assignment. We are truly surrounded by lines. 



These are the lines that I drew while listening to End of Time by Beyonce. 

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Good vs. Bad Composition

This photo has good composition for a couple of reasons. One, there are a variety of colors in the picture. Another thing is that there is not one main thing in the middle of the picture. The first thing that actually grabbed my attention was the boy to the left, which means that it has good composition that there is not just one main thing in the middle of the picture. 

This picture has bad composition. There is only one main thing in the middle of the picture, which is up high and pretty hard to see anyways. The colors of course aren't that great due to the fact that the picture was taken at night. Also I feel like there is not a lot of unity in this picture. 

This picture in my opinion has good composition and bad composition. It has good composition in that there is not one main thing in the middle of the picture. There are a lot of things in this picture set out all over the picture. The reason that I think it has bad composition is because of the coloring. There is a bright light in the right upper hand corner that makes the coloring of the picture look weird. Also the sign towards the right of the picture is hard to read. 

I think that this photo has bad composition for a couple of reasons. One is that it is taken through a glass window which is showing off dust and smudges through the window. Another thing is seeing the inside of the car is a little distracting toward the picture of the buildings. There is not one thing dominating the picture, which is good but it still does not have great composition.